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Opening of Saint Jean des Arts

Hotel & Restaurant des Bains
What is it about?

The association Saint Jean des Arts aims to promote art in all its forms in Saint Jean le Thomas and its surroundings and contributes to the cultural life of the region.

This artistic movement was initiated at the beginning of the 20th century by artists residing in Saint Jean le Thomas such as Claude Remusat, Richard Anacreon or Cyprien Levavasseur. Originally, the idea was to associate an exhibition with welcoming tourists with music, around a drink. Over time, artistic activities diversify: exhibitions of paintings, sculptures or photography, concerts, representing all musical styles, in the open air or to accompany openings.

The 2019 edition

Find all the information on the 2019 edition on the official website of Saint Jean des Arts.
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Hotel & Restaurant des Bains

Bay of the Mont-Saint-Michel
8, allée Clemenceau 50530 Saint Jean Le Thomas
Tél. +33(0)2 33 48 84 20